Sunday, 14 September 2014

Handing Over Lion's Walk Ceremony

As part the 20th Anniversary Celebration , our Sponsoring Lions Club , Lions Club of Miri Mandarin had organised a handing- over Lion's Walk Ceremony on the 6th of September. It is the Lions Club's tradition of donating a newly made landmark to the school every year . In the past few years , the Lions Club of Miri Mandarin had donated more than five landmark to the school such as the fountain , Mushroon Shed , PHD Cap , Leo Garden and so on.

This year they sponsored us the Lion's Walk . This Lion's Walk was sponsored by the Lions Club of Miri Mandarin . Lions Club of Singapore Mandarin , Lions Club from Taiwan and also Keningau . 

Our school Lion dance gave them a warmest welcome when they arrived our school . Leos from our club also did their best to greet the Lions . They behaved well and all the Lions love them so much . They praised them for their cooperation & discipline behaviour. I am so proud of your guys . The most important things is , i had to thanked Ms Luk , for training to become a emcee in such a short time . I hope i did't disappoint you. 

Lions from all around the world attended this morning ceremony . The most important is the guest of honor of this ceremony wan our DG Lion Dato Betty Wong , a legend in the country . A wonder woman in the Lions Club History . By the way , many others District fellow had also attend the ceremony . This ceremony didn't took us too much time as they were rushing for their next project.

We really thanked the Lions of their kindly support . Because of your guys , our school looks prettier and prettier every year . Our school won't be such beautiful without you. THANK YOU LION.

Yours in Leo Spirit 
President Kelly Liew Ying Qi
Leo Club of Riam Road Secondary School

2nd VDG Lion Eve Wong guiding president , for the role call session.

Leos preparing for the handing-over ceremony.

The arrival of the DG.

PID gaving her speech.

Leo welcoming the Lion.

2nd VDG guiding president for the role call session.

Lion Dance welcoming the arrival of Lion.

Prepare for the handing over ceremony.

President Chong giving her speech.

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