History of Leo Club

The first Leo club was founded in 1957 by Jim Graver, the coach of the Abington High School, Pennsylvania baseball team. He was an active member of the Glenside Lions Club. The club was founded with the help of William Ernst, another local Lion. It adopted the high school's colors of maroon and gold. The club also created the acronym Leadership, Equality, Opportunity for the word Leo. The word equality was later changed to experience. In 1964 the Leo Club Program became a sponsored program of the Lions district. It grew beyond Pennsylvania and the United States of America. By 1967 the program had grown to over 200 clubs in 18 countries and become an official youth program of Lions Clubs International. In the following year, the Leo Club Program spread rapidly, more than quadrupling in size, to 918 clubs in 48 countries by the end of 1968. Leo clubs are composed of young people of good character who are members of the local community. Before joining a club, youth should complete the Application for Leo Club Membership and review new member materials that are to be provided by the sponsoring Lions club. Clubs meet regularly and should maintain frequent contact with their sponsoring Lions club. Leos elect a leadership team of officer which includes the President, Secretary, Vice President, Treasurer, and Directors. When six or more Leo clubs are sponsored within an existing Lions district, the district governor may approve the formation of a Leo district. The Leo district president is elected annually at the Leo district conference. When ten or more Leo clubs are sponsored within an existing Lions multiple district, the council of governors may approve the formation of a Leo multiple district. The Leo multiple district president is elected annually at the Leo multiple district conference.

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