Monday, 24 March 2014

Helping in Goodwill Visit to Riam Road Secondary School 2013

       This goodwill visit was organized by our school’s student council president and head prefect, Leo Alvin Chin to introduce our school to incoming secondary school students. On the 1st – 8th of November 2013, our Leos joined in and helped in the program as committee members and ambassadors.

       First of all, we gathered our Leos together with the other ambassadors to divide ourselves into groups. Also, we had a division of duties to put Leos and the ambassadors in charge of different tasks throughout the visits.

       During the visits as ambassadors, all the Leos helped in guiding and welcoming the Primary Six students to our school hall. Everyone helped in seating and taking care of the students. We promoted our school and club strongly during the tours around our school compound.

       Our Leos volunteered and explained about Leos and Lions to the students in detail to promote the image of Leos and Lions. Meanwhile, our Leos showed the students around our Leo Gardens and explained about the services Lions Clubs do for the community. 

       This project's objectives were:

  1. To enroll more students into our school.
  2. To enhance the creativity of our members in preparing the program.
  3. To increase the bond between our Leos and students. 
  4. To increase our Leos’ leadership experience.
  5. To  improve the cooperation and partnership among Leos.
  6. To introduce Leos Clubs and Lions Clubs to the incoming secondary school students

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