Other than our Secretary Michelle Moi , Our Vice President Leo Chin Li Min is also another YE to Japan. Leo Chin Li Min is a very active Leo and she hosted a YE from Japan this year. I can't forget how well she treated and taken care of the YE . She really made the YE feels at home in her house.
Like Michelle , Li Min is also going to Fukuoka . They both went together and they are the only YE to Japan from Miri. I hope they can enjoy their stay in Japan and have a wonderful experience.
In Japan , Li Min had visited to plenty of places including school and mochi factory . She learned a lot about their culture and enjoy the life there a lot . She had even gave a few children some simple English class . It is good to share our knowledge to others because it could benefits both of them.
Last but not least , let wish both of them have an interesting , marvelous and wonderful experience in Japan and share us their experience after they went back .
Yours in Leo Spirit
President Kelly Liew Ying Qi
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