Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Mooncake Fellowship Barbecue in School

Sorry everyone , it has been a long time since our last update . In the middle of September the Leo Club of Riam Road Secondary School organized a mooncake fellowship . We had a barbecue fellowship . Leos and teachers were allowed to invite their friends and family. A total of  50 people had joined this fellowship night .

Our organizing committee had been very kind and had prepared a lot of food and drinks . We were so happy that everybody seems to enjoy our food soo much . There are chicken wings , lamb cutlet , seafood , marshmallow and so on .

Other that having some delicious food , Leos also had a late night walk with some colourful latterns . Everybody seems to enjoy it very much. We hope that we can organised more and more fellowship and invite the public to share our joy and happiness.

Last but not least , congrats to the organizing chairlady Leo Charlene Tan for her success in organizing such a wonderful event . ROAR ROAR ROAR!!

Yours in Leo Spirit
President Kelly Liew Ying Qi

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